A middle initial is now marked up as:
<foreName> <name type="initial">P</name> </foreName>
A simpler way is:
<foreName type="initial">P</foreName>
The second way is shorter. The first way is more flexible. For example, if you wanted to indicate that a first name was both a nickname and an initial, you could not do so with the second method. With the first it would look like:
<foreName type="nickName"> <name type="initial">P</name> </foreName>
TEI defines uses the nameLink
element to define a name that “contains a connecting phrase or link used within a name but not regarded as part of it, such as ‘van’ ’der’ or ‘of.’”
What should one do with prefixes such as “Mc,” which orginally played the same role as a linking name, but not are attached to the surname without any space?
My proposal is:
<persName> <foreName>Richard</foreName> <nameLink>Mc</nameLink> <surname>Keon</surname> </persName>
Then, for linking names that do contain a space, add a space after the nameLink
<persName> <foreName>Johann</foreName> <foreName>Wolfgang</foreName> <nameLinke>von </nameLinke> <surname>Goethe</surname> </persName>
An alternative proposal involves simply using the nonfiling seg
element in the same way it is used for a title:
<persName> <foreName>Richard</foreName> <surname><seg type="nonfiling">Mc</seg>Keon</surname> </persName>
The current markup for page numbers contains no way to describe a range of pages:
<biblScope type="pages">143-63</biblScope> <biblScope type="pages">177</biblScope>
The above indicates that the material comes from between pages 143-163, and from page 177. You would include one biblScope element for each page range.
I’m not sure that a formatter really nees to know that 143 starts the range and 163 ends the range. If it did, here is one solution:
<biblScope type="pages"><num>143</num><num>163</num></biblScope> <biblScope type="pages">177</biblScope>
The above would appear as:
143-63, 177
The degree of certainty needs to be expressed with the place of publication, the publisher, and the date of publication. Right now, I can do so with this markup:
<publisher rend="knownNotPresent">Evanescent Press</publisher> <publisher rend="notCertain">Evanescent Press</publisher> <publisher rend="notKnown"/> <publisher rend="notNeeded"/>
The following entries would look like this, respectively:
Wauwatosa, Wis.: [Evanescent], 1947
Wauwatosa, Wis.: [Evanescent?], 1947
Wauwatosa, Wis.: n.p., 1947
Wauwatosa, Wis.: 1947
(In practical terms, the last entry could never happen. A publisher is not needed only if the books was published a long time ago.)
An alternative to the above markup is:
<pubPlace> <seg type="certainty" rend="knownNotPresent">New York</seg> </pubPlace>
<pubPlace> <seg function="certainty" rend="knownNotPresent">New York</seg> </pubPlace> <pubPlace> <seg function="certainty">knownNotPresent</seg>New York </pubPlace>
This verbose method allows for more flexibility.
One clever way to handle intallments is to link all installments with the link
element. Each entry can include its own analytical title, for example. The disadvantage to this apporach is that processing can prove a bit mor difficult.
What do you think?
<biblStruct id="Gottlieb" rend="newspaper"> <analytic> <title level="a">Times Square Development Plan: A Lesson in Politics and Power</title> </analytic> <monogr> <author> <persName> <foreName>Martin</foreName> <surname>Gottlieb</surname> </persName> </author> <title level="m">New York Times</title> <edition>late</edition> <imprint> <date value="1984-03-09"/> <biblScope type="pages">B1</biblScope> </imprint> </monogr> <link type="installment" targets="Gottlieb2"/> <note type="source"><ref target="Gibaldi">135 (4.7.13)</ref></note> <note type="annotation">Article in newspapaer published as installments.</note> <note type="head">Aritcle in Installments</note> </biblStruct> <biblStruct id="Gottlieb2" rend="newspaper"> <analytic> <title level="a">Pressure and Compromise Saved Times Square Project</title> </analytic> <monogr> <author> <persName> <foreName>Martin</foreName> <surname>Gottlieb</surname> </persName> </author> <title level="m">New York Times</title> <edition>late</edition> <imprint> <date value="1984-03-10"/> <biblScope type="pages">25</biblScope> </imprint> </monogr> <note type="source"><ref target="Gibaldi">135 (4.7.13)</ref></note> <note type="annotation">Article in newspapaer published as installments.</note> <note type="head">Aritcle in Installments</note> </biblStruct>
If an article is pubilshed in installments but has the same title, it should probably be entered as one entry. Below is one such entry. In the first case, I used a monogr
element to indicate each journal the article appeared in. In the second, I used a different imprint
I can’t imagine you would ever need the full monogr
element. After all, if a title has changed, then you probably have a strange situation, and you should probably use the above method.
<biblStruct id="Patrick" rend="journal"> <analytic> <author> <persName> <foreName>Elizabeth</foreName> <foreName>Nelson</foreName> <surname>Patrick</surname> </persName> </author> <title level="a"> <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Black Experience in Southern Nevada</title> </analytic> <monogr> <title level="j">Nevada Historical Society Quarterly</title> <imprint> <date calendar="season" value="1979-06-21"/> <biblScope type="volume">22</biblScope> <biblScope type="pages">128-140</biblScope> </imprint> </monogr> <monogr rend="installment"> <imprint> <date calendar="season" value="1979-09-21"/> <biblScope type="volume">22</biblScope> <biblScope type="pages">209-20</biblScope> </imprint> </monogr> </biblStruct> <biblStruct id="Patrick_alt" rend="journal"> <analytic> <author> <persName> <foreName>Elizabeth</foreName> <foreName>Nelson</foreName> <surname>Patrick</surname> </persName> </author> <title level="a"> <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Black Experience in Southern Nevada</title> </analytic> <monogr> <title level="j">Nevada Historical Society Quarterly</title> <imprint> <date calendar="season" value="1979-06-21"/> <biblScope type="volume">22</biblScope> <biblScope type="pages">128-140</biblScope> </imprint> <imprint rend="installment"> <date calendar="season" value="1979-09-21"/> <biblScope type="volume">22</biblScope> <biblScope type="pages">209-20</biblScope> </imprint> </monogr> </biblStruct>
Certain entries might include information that needs to be ignored by a processor, depending on the situation. A good example is with the issue in a journal:
<biblScope type="issue">6</biblScope>
If the pagination in the journal is non-continous, the issue must be present in a bibliographic entry. If the journal has continuous pagination, the inclusion of the issue is optional.
There needs to be some way include if the information is needed. Here is one suggestion:
<biblScope type="issue"><seg type="required">yes</seg>6</biblScope>
Such markup establishes the seg
that can be used for other purposes. On the other hand, this markup doesn’t really quite express the content. The markup should really state the pagination fact. This markup might be better:
<biblScope type="issue"><seg type="nonContinuous">yes</seg>6</biblScope>
There are also these possibilites:
<biblScope type="nonContinuos"/> <biblScope type="issue" rend="nonContinuous">6</biblScope>
I don’t like any of these methods. I need some way of describing the physical description of the journal.
If a journal has no volume number, but if the the issues are numbered starting at 1 each year, the year serves as the volume. This info needs to be notes. Below is an example of how to do this, but I am not particulary happy.
<biblStruct id="Skelton" rend="jounal"> <analytic> <title type="a">Rehabilitation versus Demolition</title> </analytic> <monogr> <author> <persName> <foreName>Patrick</foreName> <surname>Skelton</surname> </persName> </author> <title level="j">Journal of Urban Renewal</title> <imprint> <biblScope type="issueAsVolume"/> <biblScope type="issue">3</biblScope> <date certainty="year" value="1989-01-01"/> <biblScope type="pages">141-62</biblScope> </imprint> </monogr> </biblStruct>
Some dates need to accurte only within the year. For other dates you need a range of months (for a journal), a season (for a journal), or an exact date (for a newspaper).
In addtion, in may cases you need to separte the year from other information, as when processing an entry for a journal with a date of fall 1989.
The best solution requires using both the “certainty” and “value” attributes with the date
<!--indicates the date of a year, as in for a book. If you know the exact date, you could use exact as the vaue of certainty, and the processor should stil know just to get the year if just the year is needed. --> <!--indicates 1989 Add 363 days to this date, and you are still in the correct range --> <date value="1989-01-01" certainty="year"/> <!--indicates summer 1989--> <date value="1989-06-21" certainty="season"/> <!--indicates June 1989--> <date value="1989-06-01" certainty="month"/> <!--indicates June/July 1989--> <date certainty="month"><dateRange from="1989-06-01" to="1989-07-01"/></date> <!--indicates July 15, 1989 In many contexts, such as an entry for a newspaper, you could leave the "certainty" attribute blank --> <date certainty="exact" value="1989-07-15"/>
Genre is not denoted by the rend attriubte in the biblStruct
<biblStruct rend="book">
I have tried avoiding using the “rend’ attribute in this way, since ”rend“ means how the markup should be renedered, not what it is. In addtion, a user may wnat to use the rend tag for his own pupose.
An alternative to using the “rend” attribute involves using a note
element in this way:
<biblStruct> ... <note type="genre">book</note> </biblStruct>
This way allows me to forego the ue of the rend attribute.
Genre becomes more difficult. What happens if there is an editorial in a magazine? What is the genere, magazine, editorial, or editorial in magazine? A formatter has to know both that the work is an editorial an that it appears in a magazine.
<biblStruct id="Evans" rend="magazine"> <analytic> <author> <persName> <foreName>Harold</foreName> <surname>Evans</surname> </persName> </author> <title level="a" type="editorial">Free Speech and Free Air</title> </analytic> <monogr> <title level="j">U.S. News and World Report</title> <imprint> <date certainty="exact" value="1987-05-11"/> </imprint> </monogr> </biblStruct>
It seems I have two different bits of information. One is the actual genre of the work cited. The other is the type of the container (a magazine in this case) it occurrs in.
So a poem in a book would also have two genres.
I would like to be able to determine the genre in the analytic element and in the monogr element. So for a review, it helps a processor to know that the genre of the analytic element is a review, and the genre or type of publication is a newspaper.
If the title ends with punctuation, a formatter should not add punctuaion. This means that the markup should indicate if the title ends in punctuation. This is what I have:
<title level="m">What Could We Have done<c type="endPunc">?</c>
The c
element represents a character, so this markup seems accurate.