Chapter in Multivolume Book

Chapter in a multivolume book.

Gleaned from: The Chicago Manual of Style p. 549 (15.140) .

<bibl id="Banicek">
<interp type="genre" value="chapter"/>
<title level="a">Pakistanian Independence</title>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="book"/>
<title level="m"> <seg type="nonfiling">A </seg>History of India</title>
<publisher>Ross and Kittredge</publisher>
<date certainty="year" value="1983-01-01"/>
<biblScope type="volume">2</biblScope>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="multivolume"/>
<biblScope type="volumes">?</biblScope>

Chapter from Book

A chapter from a book.

Gleaned from: The Chicago Manual of Style p. 542 (15.120) .

<bibl id="Phibbs">
<title level="a">Herrlisheim: Diary of a Battle</title>
<interp type="genre" value="chapter"/>
<interp type="part-in-book" value="true"/>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="book"/>
<title level="m"> <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Other Side of Time: A Combat Surgeon in World War II</title>
<publisher>Little, Brown</publisher>
<date certainty="year" value="1987-01-01"/>

Chapter in Book with Part Specification

Part in book in which the part is also specified.

Gleaned from: The Chicago Manual of Style p. 542 (15.121) .

<bibl id="McNeill">
<interp type="genre" value="chapter"/>
<interp type="part-in-book" value="true"/>
<title level="a"> <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Era of Middle Eastern Dominance to 500 B.C</title>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="book"/>
<name type="initial">H</name>
<title level="m"> <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Rise of the West</title>
<publisher>University Chicago Press</publisher>
<date certainty="year" value="1963-01-01"/>
<biblScope type="part">1</biblScope>

Chapter in Book with Part Specification

Part in book in which the part is also specified.

Gleaned from: The Chicago Manual of Style p. 542 (15.121) .

<bibl id="Thomson">
<interp type="genre" value="chapter"/>
<interp type="part-in-book" value="true"/>
<title level="a">Cage and the Collage of Noises</title>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="book"/>
<title level="m">American Music since 1910</title>
<pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
<publisher>Holt, Rinehart and Winston</publisher>
<date certainty="year" value="1971-01-01"/>
<biblScope type="chapter">8</biblScope>

Chapter in Book with Editor

Part in book editor.

Gleaned from: The Chicago Manual of Style p. 543 (15.121) .

<bibl id="Kaiser">
<interp type="genre" value="chapter"/>
<interp type="part-in-book" value="true"/>
<title level="a"> <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Literature in Harlem</title>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="book"/>
<name type="initial">J</name>
<name type="initial">H</name>
<title level="m">Harlem: A Community in Transition</title>
<pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
<publisher>Citadel Press</publisher>
<date certainty="year" value="1964-01-01"/>

Chapter in Book with Page Numbers

A chapter from a book along with page numbers

Gleaned from: The Chicago Manual of Style p. 543 (15.123) .

<bibl id="Ogilvy">
<interp type="genre" value="chapter"/>
<interp type="part-in-book" value="true"/>
<title level="a" type="chapter"> <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Creative Chef</title>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="book"/>
<name type="initial">A</name>
<title level="m"> <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg> Creative Organization</title>
<publisher>University of Chicago Press</publisher>
<date certainty="year" value="1965-01-01"/>
<biblScope type="pages">199-213</biblScope>

Chapter First in Journal

A chapter in a book fist published in a journal

Gleaned from: The Chicago Manual of Style p. 543 (15.124) .

<interp type="genre" value="chapter"/>
<interp type="part-in-book" value="true"/>
<title level="a">Progressives in the Late Twentieth Century</title>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="book"/>
<name type="initial">F</name>
<title level="m">To Left and Right: Cycles in American Politics</title>
<publisher>Lighthouse Press</publisher>
<date certainty="year" value="1990-01-01"/>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="original">
<interp type="container-tpe" value="journal"/>
<title level="j">North American Political Review</title>
<date certainty="season" value="1988-09-21"/>
<biblScope type="volume">18</biblScope>
<biblScope type="pages">627-42</biblScope>

Chapter First in Book

A chapter originally published in another book

Gleaned from: The Chicago Manual of Style p. 543 (15.124) .

<bibl id="Wallowitz">
<interp type="genre" value="chapter"/>
<interp type="part-in-book" value="true"/>
<title type="chapter" level="a"> <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Series Paintings of Monet</title>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="book"/>
<title level="m">Claude Monet and Light: New Perspectives</title>
<publisher>Tetzel and Schumacher</publisher>
<date certainty="year" value="1989-01-01"/>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="orignial">
<interp type="container-type" value="book"/>
<title level="m">Varieties of Impressionism</title>
<publisher>Revere Publications</publisher>
<date certainty="year" value="1987-01-01"/>

Introduction in a Book

Introduction in a book.

Gleaned from: The Chicago Manual of Style p. 545 (15.129) .

<bibl id="Jacobs">
<interp type="genre" value="introduction"/>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="book"/>
<name type="initial">B</name>
<title level="m">Drunk Driving: An American Dilemma</title>
<publisher>University of Chicago Press</publisher>
<date certainty="year" value="1989-01-01"/>

Introduction by Different Author

Introduction in Book by Different Author.

Gleaned from: The Chicago Manual of Style p. 103 (4.5.9) .

<bibl id="Doctorow" rend="partInBook">
<interp type="genre" value="introduction"/>
<name type="initial">E</name>
<name type="initial">L</name>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="book"/>
<title level="m">Sister Carrie</title>
<pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
<date certainty="year" value="1982-01-01"/>
<biblScope type="pages">
<num type="roman" value="5">v</num>
<num type="roman" value="11">xi</num>

Foreword with Same Author

A foreword written by the same author.

Gleaned from: The Chicago Manual of Style p. 103.

<bibl id="Borges">
<interp type="genre" value="foreword"/>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="book"/>
<title level="m">Selected Poems, 1923-1967</title>
<pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
<date certainty="year" value="1973-01-01"/>
<biblScope type="pages">
<num type="roman" value="15">xv</num>
<num type="roman" value="16">xvi</num>

Foreword by Different Author

A Foreward in a book. The author of the foreword is different than the author of the book.

Gleaned from: The Chicago Manual of Style p. 545 (15.130) .

<bibl id="Zimring">
<interp type="genre" value="foreword"/>
<name type="initial">B</name>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="book"/>
<name type="initial">B</name>
<title level="m">Drunk Driving: An American Dilemma</title>
<publisher>University of Chicago Press</publisher>
<date certainty="year" value="1989-01-01"/>

Afterword with Different Author

Afterword in Book by Different Author.

Gleaned from: The Chicago Manual of Style p. 103 (4.5.9) .

<bibl id="Johnson">
<interp type="genre" value="afterword"/>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="book"/>
<title level="m">David Copperfield</title>
<pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
<date certainty="year" value="1962-01-01"/>
<biblScope type="pages">