
An editorial requires no monogr element.

Gleaned from: The Chicago Manual of Style p. 578 (15.234) .

<bibl id="PhiladelphiaInquirer">
<interp type="genre" value="editorial"/>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="newspaper"/>
<title level="j">Philadelphia Inquirer</title>

Article in Newspaper

An article in a newspaper takes the same form as an article in a journal.

Gleaned from: The Chicago Manual of Style p. 578 (15.234) .

<bibl id="NYTimes">
<interp type="genre" value="article"/>
<title level="a">Robert Moses, Master builder, Is Dead at 92</title>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="newspaper"/>
<title level="j">New York Times</title>

Obscure City in Name of Newspaper

A newspaper with an obscure name of a city need further clarification. The name of this newspaper is *Houlton Pioneer Times,* but should appear as *Houlton* (Maine) *Pioneer Times.* The elements settlment in the title as well as the elements placeName and region in the pubPlace element may be excessive.

Gleaned from: The Chicago Manual of Style p. 578 (15.239) .

<bibl id="genericNewspaper">
<interp type="genre" value="article"/>
<title level="a">Some Title</title>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="newspaper"/>
<title level="j">
<settlement type="city">Houlton</settlement>
Pioneer Times</title>
<date certainty="exact" value="1981-07-31"/>
<region type="state">Maine</region>

Foreign Newspaper with no City

According the Chicago Manual of Style Names of cities not part of the titles of foreign newspaper are added in parentheses after the title and are not italicized 579 .

Gleaned from: The Chicago Manual of Style p. 579 (15.241) .

<bibl id="foreignNewspaper">
<interp type="genre" value="article"/>
<title level="a">Some title</title>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="newspaper"/>
<title level="j">Times</title>
<settlement type="city">London</settlement>
<date certainty="exact" value="2004-07-17"/>

Newspaper with Section

If the section is not part of the pagination, then it needs special formatting. Mark the information as in this example.

Gleaned from: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers p. 126 (4.7.1) .

<bibl id="Greeley">
<interp type="genre" value="article"/>
<title level="a">Today's Morality Play: The Sitcom</title>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="newspaper"/>
<title level="j">The New York Times</title>
<date certainty="exact" value="1987-05-17"/>
<biblScope type="section">2</biblScope>
<biblScope type="pages">
<seg type="following"/>

Aritcle in Installments

Article in newspapaer published as installments.

Gleaned from: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers p. 135 (4.7.13) .

<bibl id="Gottlieb1" next="Gottlieb2">
<interp type="genre" value="article"/>
<title level="a">Times Square Development Plan: A Lesson in Politics and Power</title>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="newspaper"/>
<title level="m">New York Times</title>
<date certainty="exact" value="1984-03-09"/>
<biblScope type="pages">B1</biblScope>

Article in Newspaper Online

An article from an newspaper on line. (May also have to include how many screens each article is?)

Gleaned from: .

<bibl id="Wren" rend="newspaper">
<interp type="genre" value="article"/>
<title level="a"> <seg type="nonfiling">A </seg>Body on Mt. Everest, a Mystery Half-Solved</title>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="newspaper"/>
<title level="m">New York Times on the Web</title>
<date certainty="exact" value="1999-05-05"/>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host"/>

Review in Newspaper Online

An review from an newspaper on line. (May also have to include how many screens each article is?)

Gleaned from: .

<bibl id="Parfit">
<interp type="genre" value="review"/>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="newspaper"/>
<title level="m">New York Times on the Web</title>
<date certainty="exact" value="1997-12-07"/>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host"/>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="work-reviewed">
<interp type="container-type" value="book"/>
<title level="m"> <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Climb</title>
<title level="m" type="subordinate">Tragic Ambitions on Everest</title>
<name type="initial">G</name>

Editorial in Newspaper Online

An editorial from an newspaper on line. (May also have to include how many screens each article is?)

Gleaned from: .

<bibl id="Public">
<interp type="genre" value="editorial"/>
<title level="a">Public Should Try Revised Student Achievement Test</title>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="newspaper"/>
<title level="j">Lexington Herald-Leader</title>

Letter to Editor in Newspaper Online

A letter to the editor from an newspaper on line. (May also have to include how many screens each article is?)

Gleaned from: .

<bibl id="Gray">
<interp type="genre" value="article"/>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="newspaper"/>
<title level="m">Lexington Herald-Leader</title>
<date certainty="exact" value="1999-05-07"/>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host"/>

Editorial in Newspaper

An editorial in a newspaper takes the same form as an aricle, but a formatter neees to know that the article is an editorial.

Gleaned from: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers p. 131 (4.7.6) .

<bibl id="TimesEditorial">
<interp type="genre" value="editorial"/>
<title level="a"> <seg type="nonfiling">A </seg>Fee, Not a Ban, on Audio Progress</title>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="newspaper"/>
<title level="j">The New York Times</title>
<date certainty="exact" value="1987-05-24"/>
<biblScope type="section">4</biblScope>
<biblScope type="pages">16</biblScope>

Letter to Editor in Journal

An letter to the editor takes this form. A formatter neees to know that the article is a letter to the editor, and what type of publication it appears in.

Gleaned from: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers p. 131 (4.7.9) .

<bibl id="Levin">
<interp type="genre" value="letter-to-editor"/>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="newspaper"/>
<title level="j">Partisan Review</title>
<biblScope type="volume">47</biblScope>
<biblScope type="pages">320</biblScope>
<date certainty="year" value="1980-01-01"/>

Unsigned Review in Newspaper

This review has neither an author or a title.

Gleaned from: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers p. 132 (4.7.10) .

<bibl id="Jensen">
<interp type="genre" value="review"/>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="work-reviewed">
<interp type="container-type" value="book"/>
<title level="m" type="reviewedWork">Anthology of Danish Literature</title>
<name type="initial">F</name>
<name type="initial">J</name>
<name type="initial">P</name>
<name type="initial">M</name>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="newspaper"/>
<title level="j">Times Literary Supplement</title>
<date certainty="exact" value="1972-07-07"/>
<biblScope type="pages">785</biblScope>

Full Review in Newspaper

This review has a title for the review, an author for the review, and of course a title and author for the book being reviewed.

Gleaned from: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers p. 133 (4.7.10) .

<bibl id="Craft">
<interp type="genre" value="review"/>
<title level="a"> <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Maestro on the Market</title>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="newspaper"/>
<title level="m">New York Review of Books</title>
<date certainty="exact" value="1987-04-09"/>
<biblScope type="pages">
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="work-reviewed">
<interp type="container-type" value="book"/>
<title level="m">Understanding Toscanini: How He Became an American Culture-God and helped Create a New Audience for Old Music</title>