An editorial requires no monogr
Gleaned from: The Chicago Manual of Style p. 578 (15.234) .
<bibl id="PhiladelphiaInquirer">
<interp type="genre" value="editorial"/>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="newspaper"/>
<title level="j">Philadelphia Inquirer</title>
An article in a newspaper takes the same form as an article in a journal.
Gleaned from: The Chicago Manual of Style p. 578 (15.234) .
<bibl id="NYTimes">
<interp type="genre" value="article"/>
<title level="a">Robert Moses, Master builder, Is Dead at 92</title>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="newspaper"/>
<title level="j">New York Times</title>
A newspaper with an obscure name of a
city need further clarification. The name of this newspaper
is *Houlton Pioneer Times,* but should appear as *Houlton*
(Maine) *Pioneer Times.* The elements
in the title as well as
the elements placeName
in the pubPlace
element may be excessive.
Gleaned from: The Chicago Manual of Style p. 578 (15.239) .
<bibl id="genericNewspaper">
<interp type="genre" value="article"/>
<title level="a">Some Title</title>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="newspaper"/>
<title level="j">
<settlement type="city">Houlton</settlement>
Pioneer Times</title>
<date certainty="exact" value="1981-07-31"/>
<region type="state">Maine</region>
According the Chicago Manual of Style Names of cities not part of the titles of foreign newspaper are added in parentheses after the title and are not italicized 579 .
Gleaned from: The Chicago Manual of Style p. 579 (15.241) .
<bibl id="foreignNewspaper">
<interp type="genre" value="article"/>
<title level="a">Some title</title>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="newspaper"/>
<title level="j">Times</title>
<settlement type="city">London</settlement>
<date certainty="exact" value="2004-07-17"/>
If the section is not part of the pagination, then it needs special formatting. Mark the information as in this example.
Gleaned from: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers p. 126 (4.7.1) .
<bibl id="Greeley">
<interp type="genre" value="article"/>
<title level="a">Today's Morality Play: The Sitcom</title>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="newspaper"/>
<title level="j">The New York Times</title>
<date certainty="exact" value="1987-05-17"/>
<biblScope type="section">2</biblScope>
<biblScope type="pages">
<seg type="following"/>
Article in newspapaer published as installments.
Gleaned from: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers p. 135 (4.7.13) .
<bibl id="Gottlieb1" next="Gottlieb2">
<interp type="genre" value="article"/>
<title level="a">Times Square Development Plan: A Lesson in Politics and Power</title>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="newspaper"/>
<title level="m">New York Times</title>
<date certainty="exact" value="1984-03-09"/>
<biblScope type="pages">B1</biblScope>
An article from an newspaper on line. (May also have to include how many screens each article is?)
Gleaned from: .
<bibl id="Wren" rend="newspaper">
<interp type="genre" value="article"/>
<title level="a"> <seg type="nonfiling">A </seg>Body on Mt. Everest, a Mystery Half-Solved</title>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="newspaper"/>
<title level="m">New York Times on the Web</title>
<date certainty="exact" value="1999-05-05"/>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host"/>
An review from an newspaper on line. (May also have to include how many screens each article is?)
Gleaned from: .
<bibl id="Parfit">
<interp type="genre" value="review"/>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="newspaper"/>
<title level="m">New York Times on the Web</title>
<date certainty="exact" value="1997-12-07"/>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host"/>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="work-reviewed">
<interp type="container-type" value="book"/>
<title level="m"> <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Climb</title>
<title level="m" type="subordinate">Tragic Ambitions on Everest</title>
<name type="initial">G</name>
An editorial from an newspaper on line. (May also have to include how many screens each article is?)
Gleaned from: .
<bibl id="Public">
<interp type="genre" value="editorial"/>
<title level="a">Public Should Try Revised Student Achievement Test</title>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="newspaper"/>
<title level="j">Lexington Herald-Leader</title>
A letter to the editor from an newspaper on line. (May also have to include how many screens each article is?)
Gleaned from: .
<bibl id="Gray">
<interp type="genre" value="article"/>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="newspaper"/>
<title level="m">Lexington Herald-Leader</title>
<date certainty="exact" value="1999-05-07"/>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host"/>
An editorial in a newspaper takes the same form as an aricle, but a formatter neees to know that the article is an editorial.
Gleaned from: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers p. 131 (4.7.6) .
<bibl id="TimesEditorial">
<interp type="genre" value="editorial"/>
<title level="a"> <seg type="nonfiling">A </seg>Fee, Not a Ban, on Audio Progress</title>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="newspaper"/>
<title level="j">The New York Times</title>
<date certainty="exact" value="1987-05-24"/>
<biblScope type="section">4</biblScope>
<biblScope type="pages">16</biblScope>
An letter to the editor takes this form. A formatter neees to know that the article is a letter to the editor, and what type of publication it appears in.
Gleaned from: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers p. 131 (4.7.9) .
<bibl id="Levin">
<interp type="genre" value="letter-to-editor"/>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="newspaper"/>
<title level="j">Partisan Review</title>
<biblScope type="volume">47</biblScope>
<biblScope type="pages">320</biblScope>
<date certainty="year" value="1980-01-01"/>
This review has neither an author or a title.
Gleaned from: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers p. 132 (4.7.10) .
<bibl id="Jensen">
<interp type="genre" value="review"/>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="work-reviewed">
<interp type="container-type" value="book"/>
<title level="m" type="reviewedWork">Anthology of Danish Literature</title>
<name type="initial">F</name>
<name type="initial">J</name>
<name type="initial">P</name>
<name type="initial">M</name>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="newspaper"/>
<title level="j">Times Literary Supplement</title>
<date certainty="exact" value="1972-07-07"/>
<biblScope type="pages">785</biblScope>
This review has a title for the review, an author for the review, and of course a title and author for the book being reviewed.
Gleaned from: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers p. 133 (4.7.10) .
<bibl id="Craft">
<interp type="genre" value="review"/>
<title level="a"> <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Maestro on the Market</title>
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="host">
<interp type="container-type" value="newspaper"/>
<title level="m">New York Review of Books</title>
<date certainty="exact" value="1987-04-09"/>
<biblScope type="pages">
<note type="relatedBiblItem" n="work-reviewed">
<interp type="container-type" value="book"/>
<title level="m">Understanding Toscanini: How He Became an American Culture-God and helped Create a New Audience for Old Music</title>