Unpublished Dissertation

Unpublished Dissertation

Gleaned from: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers p. 121 (4.5.26) .

<bibl id="Boyle">
<interp type="genre" value="dissertation"/>
<name type="initial">T</name>
<orgName>New York
<abbr expan="university">U</abbr>
<title level="a"> <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Epistemological Evolutions of Renaissance Utopian Literature: 1516-1657</title>
<date certainty="year" value="1983-01-01">
<seg type="date-type">year granted</seg>

Published Dissertation

Published Dissertation

Gleaned from: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers p. 121 (4.5.27) .

<bibl id="Brewda">
<interp type="genre" value="dissertation"/>
<abbr expan="university">U</abbr>
<date certainty="year" value="1981-01-01">
<seg type="date-type">year granted</seg>
<title level="m"> <seg type="nonfiling">A </seg>Semantically-Based Verb Valence Analysis of Old Saxon</title>
<pubPlace>Ann Arbor</pubPlace>
<date certainty="year" value="1981-01-01"/>
<biblScope type="umi">8203236</biblScope>

Published Dissertation

Published Dissertation. The Beitrage must be the name of the journal in which it is bound.

Gleaned from: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers p. 121 (4.5.27) .

<bibl id="Dietze">
<interp type="genre" value="dissertation"/>
<name type="initial">F</name>
<orgName>U Erlangen-Nürnberg</orgName>
<title level="m">Ralph Ellison: The Genesis of an Artist</title>
<date certainty="year" value="1982-01-01">
<seg type="date-type">year granted</seg>
<biblScope type="no idea!">Erlanger Beiträge zur Sprach- und Kunstwissenschaft 70</biblScope>
<date certainty="year" value="1982-01-01"/>

Published Dissertation

Published Dissertation. The Beitrage must be the name of the journal in which it is bound.

Gleaned from: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers p. 121 (4.5.27) .

<bibl id="Wendriner">
<interp type="genre" value="dissertation"/>
<abbr expan="university">U </abbr>
<title level="m"> <seg type="nonfiling">Der </seg>Einfluss von Goethes
<title level="m">Wilhelm Meister</title>
auf das Dram der Romantiker</title>
<date certainty="year" value="1907-01-01">
<seg type="date-type">date granted</seg>
<publisher>privately printed</publisher>
<date certainty="year" value="1907-01-01"/>