Author With Name Reference

Instead of acutally including the data for the name, this entry points to that data in another part of the document.

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 530

  <biblStruct id="Eliot" rend="book">
        <link targets="eliot"></link>
      <title level="m">Four Quartets</title>
        <publisher>Faber and Faber</publisher>
        <date certainty="year" value="1982-01-10">1944</date>

Simple One Author Entry

Simple one author entry

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 531

  <biblStruct id="Blackfoot" rend="book">
      <title level="m">Chance Encounters</title>
        <publisher>Serendipity Press</publisher>

Simple Two Author Entry

Simple entry with two authors.

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 531

  <biblStruct id="Unwin" rend="book">
            <name type="initial">P</name>
      <title level="m">Peace in Ireland</title>
        <publisher>Stronghope Press</publisher>

Author in Title

The author is in the tile of the work.

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 532 (15.89)

  <biblStruct id="Adams" rend="book">
      <title level="m">
        <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Education of Henry Adams: An Autobiography</title>
      <note type="authorInTitle"></note>
        <publisher>Houghton Miffline</publisher>
        <biblScope type="pages">163-65</biblScope>

Title with Subtitle

A title with a subtitle.

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 538 (15.109)

  <biblStruct id="Skelton" rend="book">
      <title level="m" type="main">Skating on Thin Ice</title>
      <title level="m" type="subordinate">A Study of Honesty in Political Campaigning</title>
        <publisher>Cicero Publications</publisher>

Title with End Punctuation

Title ending with punctuaion. The c element tells a formatter not to add its own formatting, such as a period

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 540 (15.116)

  <biblStruct id="Velasquez" rend="book">
      <title level="m">What Could We Have done<c type="endPunc">?</c>
        <publisher>I. M. Heartsick</publisher>

Anonymous Author

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 533 (15.90)

  <biblStruct id="Doe" rend="book">
        <persName type="anonymous">
      <title level="m">
        <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Burden of Anonymity.</title>
        <publisher>Nonesuch Press</publisher>

No Author

Example of an anonymous book.

Gleaned from: MLA Handbook. 100 (4.5.6)

  <biblStruct id="Photo" rend="book">
      <title level="m">Encyclopedia of Photography</title>
        <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
          <dateRange from="1990-01-01" to="1992-01-01"></dateRange>

Corporate Author

Corporate author.

Gleaned from: MLA Handbook. 100 (4.5.6)

  <biblStruct id="ALA" rend="book">
        <orgName type="association">American Library Association</orgName>
      <title level="m">Intellectual Freedom Manual</title>

Corporate Author

Corporate author.

Gleaned from: MLA Handbook. 100 (4.5.6)

  <biblStruct id="Med" rend="book">
        <orgName>American Medical Association</orgName>
      <title level="m">
        <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>American Medical Association Family Medical Guide</title>
        <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>

Author Known by Pseudonym

An author so-well known by her pseudonym that a real name is not needed.

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 534 (15.93)

  <biblStruct id="EliotG" rend="book">
        <persName type="pseudonym">
      <title level="m">Middlemarch <title level="m">Norton Critical Editions</title>
        <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
        <publisher>W. W. Norton</publisher>

Book with no Publication Information

A simple book without any publication information. An interested reader could find out this information to locate a copy of the book.

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 555 15.154

  <biblStruct id="Vonnegut" rend="book">
          <title level="m">Jailbird</title>
              <date certainty="year" value="1979-01-01"></date>

Author With Both Real Name and Pseudonym

An author with a real name and the pseudonym.

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 534 (19.93)

  <biblStruct id="LeCarré" rend="book">
        <persName type="pseudonym">
          <surname>Le Carré</surname>
          <foreName>David John Moore</foreName>
      <title level="m">
        <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Quest for Karla</title>
        <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>


Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 535 (15.96)

  <biblStruct id="Tortelli" rend="book">
            <name type="initial">B</name>
      <title level="m">Sociology Approaching the Twenty-first Century</title>
        <pubPlace>Los Angeles</pubPlace>
        <publisher>Peter and Sons</publisher>


Note that the persName must go in the name element. Make sure you include one name element for each person. Don't group different people (such as Poweska and Gianakakos in the above examples) in the same name element, trying to distinguish them by the persName element. After all, one person can have mutiple names--such as a person with a pseudonym.

  <biblStruct id="Gianakakos" rend="book">
      <title level="m">Studies of Transformation in Eastern Europe</title>
        <pubPlace>Buffalo, N.Y.</pubPlace>
        <publisher>Touser and Blinken</publisher>


The compiler takes the place of the author.

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 535 (15.96)

  <biblStruct id="Santos" rend="book">
      <title level="m">
        <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Collected works of Henrietta Kahn</title>
        <publisher>I. J. Filbert</publisher>

Editors with Author

Editors along with author. The author appears first.

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 535 (15.97)

  <biblStruct id="Mill" rend="book">
            <name type="initial">M</name>
      <title level="m">Autobiography and Literary Essays</title>
        <publisher>University of Toronto Press</publisher>

Editor and Author

In this case, the editor would appear first because it is prominent.

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 533 (15.89)

  <biblStruct id="Cline" rend="book">
            <name type="initial">C</name>
            <name type="initial">L</name>
      <title level="m">
        <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Letters of
       George Meredith</title>
        <publisher>Clarendon Press</publisher>
        <biblScope type="pages">125</biblScope>
      <biblScope type="volumes">3</biblScope>

Translator with Author

Tranlsator with author. Author appears first.

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 535 (15.97)

  <biblStruct id="Cortá" rend="book">
      <title level="m">Cronopios and Famas</title>
        <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
        <publisher>Random House, Pantheon Books</publisher>

Complicated Responsiblity

The responisiblity material must be spelled out. The book appears first in the entry.

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 536 (15.98)

  <biblStruct id="Chaucer" rend="book">
      <title level="m">Chaucer Life-Records</title>
        <resp>edited by Martin M. Crow and Clair C.Olson from materials compiled by John M. Manly and Edith Rickert, with he assistance of Lilian J. Redstone and others.</resp>
        <publisher>Oxford University Press</publisher>

Editor more Important than Author

The editor replaces the author in importance and so appears first.

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 536 (15.99)

  <biblStruct id="EliotT2" rend="book">
        <link targets="eliot"></link>
      <title level="m">Literary Essays</title>
        <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
        <publisher>New Directions</publisher>

Editor and Translator

Example of an Anthology.

Gleaned from: MLA Handbook. 95 (4.5.2)

  <biblStruct id="Nichols" rend="book">
        <resp>editor and translator</resp>
              <name type="initial">J</name>
      <title level="m">An Anthology of Neo-Latin Poetry</title>
        <pubPlace>New Haven</pubPlace>
        <publisher>Yale UP</publisher>

Book Republished a Long Time Ago

A reprinted book originally printed a long time ago. I must rely on the "rend" attribute. I would rather a better way.

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 562 (15.179)

  <biblStruct rend="book" id="Schweitzer">
      <title level="m">J.S. Bach</title>
    <monogr rend="reprint">
        <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
        <publisher>Dover Publication</publisher>

Book Republished with Changes

A reprinted book originally printed a long time ago, with a new foreword. I had to use a note element in order to indicate that the new publication had an added foreword by a different author.

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 562 (15.180)

  <biblStruct id="Small" rend="book">
      <title level="m">
        <seg type="nonfiling">An </seg>Account of the Astronomical Discoveries of Kepler</title>
    <monogr rend="reprint">
      <note type="reprint">
            <name type="initial">D</name>
        <title type="foreword"></title>
        <publisher>University of Wisconsin Press</publisher>

Book Republished with Volume Changes

A reprinted book originally printed a long time ago, which has been condensed to one volume. A processor has to recognize that the reprint has only one volume. It might have to add something like "2 volumes in 1."

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 562 (15.180)

  <biblStruct id="Audsley" rend="book">
      <title level="m">The Art of Organ Building</title>
      <biblScope type="volumes">2</biblScope>
    <monogr rend="reprint">
        <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
        <publisher>Dover Publications</publisher>
      <biblScope type="volumes">1</biblScope>

Book Republished from Recent Book

A book reprinted from one originally printed recently.

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 562 (15.181)

  <biblStruct id="Harris" rend="book">
      <title level="m">
        <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Artist in American Society: The Formative Years, 1790-1860</title>
        <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
        <publisher>George Braziller</publisher>
    <monogr rend="reprint">
        <publisher>Phoenix Books</publisher>

Book Republished with New Title

Republished book with a changed title

Gleaned from: 111 (4.5.14)

  <biblStruct id="WPA" rend="book">
      <title level="m">New Jersey: A Guide to Its Past and Present</title>
    <monogr rend="reprint">
      <title level="m">
        <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>WPA Guide to 1930s New Jersey</title>
        <pubPlace>New Brunswick</pubPlace>
        <publisher>Rutgers UP</publisher>

This appears under the part on multiple publishers, though it appears to be a republished book?

Gleaned from: MLA Handbook. 116 (4.5.20)

  <biblStruct id="Duff" rend="book">
            <name type="initial">J</name>
            <name type="initial">A</name>
            <name type="initial">M</name>
      <title level="m">
        <seg type="nonfiling">A </seg>Literary History of Rome: From the Origins to the Close of the Golden Age</title>
    <monogr rend="reprint">
        <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>

Book with Multiple Publishers

Mulitiple publishers. The second date is not required because it should be the same as the first?

Gleaned from: MLA Handbook. 117 (4.5.20)

  <biblStruct id="Shelley" rend="book">
      <title level="m">Selected Poems</title>

Translated Title

A title translated from Hebrew

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 541 (15.118)

  <biblStruct id="Gross" rend="book">
      <title level="m" lang="he">Ha-Shoah be-Shirah ha-Ivrit: Mivhar</title>
      <title level="m" type="parallel">
        <seg type="The">The </seg>Holocaust in Hebrew poetry: An anthology</title>
        <pubPlace>Ha-Kibbutz ha-Me'uhad</pubPlace>

Translated Title with Summary

A title translated from Chech with a summary in German

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 541 (15.118)

  <biblStruct id="Wereszyncki" rend="book">
      <title level="m" lang="ck">Koniec sojuszu trzech cesarzy</title>
      <title level="m" type="parallel">
        <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>end of the Three Emperors' League</title>
      <note place="inline">summary in German</note>

Multi-Volume Work

A mutlti-volume work.

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 547 (15.136)

  <biblStruct id="Byrne" rend="book">
          <foreName>St. Clare</foreName>
      <title level="m">
        <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Lisle Letters</title>
        <publisher>University of Chicago Press</publisher>
      <biblScope type="volumes">6</biblScope>

Multi-Volume Work Published Over Several Years

A mutlti-volume work published over several years. Note that I used the dateRange element to indicate the span of years. This element should have a "to" and "from" attribute, and the value of each must take the form of yyyy-mm-dd. The "exact" attribute indicates that neither date is exact, that we really only know the year.

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 547 (15.136)

  <biblStruct id="Peterspring" rend="book">
      <title level="m">
        <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Floweringof Harmonious Internationalism</title>
          <dateRange from="1990-01-10" to="1993-01-10" exact="none"></dateRange>
      <biblScope type="volumes">4</biblScope>

A multivolume work with the same author, but with a different title for the collection. Since both a multi-volume book and a book both occurr withing a series element, and since both take titles with a level of "s," there is not way to determine if the title should be italicized. For this reason, I use the "rend" attribute. When "rend" has a value of "mutliVolume" or no value at all, the series element is part of a multi-volume work as defined by Chicago Style Manual.

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 548 (15.137)

  <biblStruct id="Farmwinkle" rend="book">
      <title level="m">Humor of the American Midwest</title>
        <publisher>Plenum Press</publisher>
        <biblScope type="volume">2</biblScope>
    <series rend="multiVolume">
      <title level="s">Survey of American Humor</title>
      <biblScope type="volumes">?</biblScope>

Series with Author in Title of Series

A multi-volume work in which the author's name occurrs within the title in the series. TEI does not allow a note element after the title within a series. In order to indicate that the author's name occurrs within the series title, include an id attribute with the series title. After the series element, link the note indicating that the author is in the title by a target attribute.

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 549 (15.141)

  <biblStruct id="Thackeray" rend="book">
      <title level="m">
        <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>English Humorists of the Eighteenth Century</title>
      <biblScope type="volumes">?</biblScope>
      <title level="s" id="Thack">
        <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Complete Works of William Makepeace Thackeray</title>
    <note type="authorInTitle" target="Thack"></note>

Multi Volume with Book and Volume

A multi-volume work in with a book and a volume number.

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 550 (15.142)

  <biblStruct id="Lach" rend="book">
            <name type="initial">F</name>
      <title level="m">
        <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Literary Arts</title>
        <publisher>University of Chicago Press</publisher>
        <biblScope type="volume">2</biblScope>
        <biblScope type="book">2</biblScope>
      <title level="s">Asia in the Making of Europe</title>
      <biblScope type="volumes">?</biblScope>

Multi Volume With Different Editor for Series

A multi-volume work in with a different editor for both the volume and series.

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 550 (15.143)

  <biblStruct id="Tancredi" rend="book">
      <title level="m">
        <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Letters of Edmund Tancredi</title>
        <pubPlace>San Francisco</pubPlace>
        <publisher>Idlewink Press</publisher>
        <biblScope type="volume">2</biblScope>
      <title level="m">
        <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>War Years</title>

Multi Volume With Different Author and Editor

A multi-volume work in with an author for the volume and an editor for the series.

Gleaned from: Chicago Manual of Style. 550 (15.143)

  <biblStruct id="Hefner" rend="book">
      <title level="m">
        <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Nature of Drama</title>
        <publisher>Houghton Mifflin</publisher>
        <biblScope type="volume">2</biblScope>
            <name type="initial">N</name>
      <title level="m">
        <seg type="nonfiling">An </seg>Introduction to Literature</title>

Book Published Online

A book available online, but orignally published as a hard copy. There is no publisher because the book was published so long ago.

Gleaned from:

  <biblStruct id="Bird" rend="book">
            <name type="initial">L</name>
      <title level="m">
        <seg type="nonfiling">A </seg>Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains</title>
        <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
    <monogr rend="webPage">
      <title level="m">Victorian Women Writers Project</title>
          <xref url=" bird/rocky.html"></xref>
        <date value="1999-05-27"></date>
        <date value="1999-10-04"></date>

The Chicago Manual of Style

The source for many of the above references.

  <biblStruct id="Chicago" rend="book">
      <title level="m">
        <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Chicago Manual of Style</title>
        <publisher>The University of Chicago Press</publisher>
        <date value="1993-01-10">1993</date>

MLA Handbook

The source for many of the above references.

  <biblStruct id="Gibaldi" rend="book">
            <name type="initial">S</name>
      <title level="m">MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers</title>
        <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
        <publisher>The Modern Language Association of America</publisher>

Online! A Reference Guide to Using Internet Sources

The source for many of the above references.

  <biblStruct id="Harnack" rend="book">
      <title level="m">Online<c type="endPunc">!</c>
      <title level="m" type="subordinate">A Reference Guide to Using Inernet Sources</title>
        <publisher>St. Martin/Bedfore</publisher>
    <monogr rend="webPage">
      <title type="webPage"></title>
          <xref type="webPage" url=""></xref>